Bornholm Spirits


Gin Bornholm - Sunset

Negroni med Gin Bornholm - Sunset

3 cl Gin Bornholm - Sunset
3 cl Campari
3 cl sød vermouth
Appelsinskal til pynt


Fyld et glas med isterninger.

Hæld gin, Campari og vermouth over isen og rør godt rundt.

Vrid en appelsinskrald, så du får noget af saften ned i glasset, og brug den herefter til pynt i glasset.

Gin Bornholm - Sunset 37,5% - 70 cl

Gin Bornholm - Sunset 37,5% - 70 cl - Bornholm Spirits

Gin Bornholm - Sunset 37,5% - 70 cl

Price 199,00

Gin Bornholm - Sunset is a Danish gin that unfolds with fresh notes of orange and lemon. This carefully crafted gin offers a symphony of citrus aromas, creating an enchanting balance that captures the essence of Bornholm's natural beauty.

Elevate your moments with Gin Bornholm Sunset, served over ice or as a base for your favorite cocktail. Let yourself be seduced by the sweet and juicy taste of oranges, bringing a sunny and lively character.

Whether you prefer to enjoy it on its own and let its complex flavors unfold, or if you prefer to mix it in a refreshing cocktail, Gin Bornholm Sunset will be a perfect choice for any occasion.

VAT included