
33 products

Udforsk vores udvalg af autentisk Bornholmsk snaps, skabt med traditionelle opskrifter og de fineste ingredienser. Vores snaps er kendt for deres rene smag og unikke karakter, perfekt til både festlige anledninger og hyggelige sammenkomster.
33 products
Ditte Julies Special Edition 2 - Apple, Vanilla & Almond 25% - 50 cl
Casper Sobczyk's Special Edition - Rhubarb & Star Anise 25% - 50 cl
No. 8 Chili & Honey Snaps 40% - 50 cl
Sold out
Bornholm Spirits Tasting Box No3
No. 3 Fig Schnapps 40% - 50 cl
No. 4 Raspberry, Ginger & Pomegranate Schnapps 40% - 50 cl
No. 7 Licorice Snaps 40% - 50 cl
No. 2 Sea Buckthorn, Dill & Cucumber Schnapps 40% - 50 cl
No. 6 Blueberry & Lemon Schnapps 40% - 50 cl
Limited Edition No. 6 - Cask-aged Fig 40% - 50 cl
Limited Edition No. 7 - Pear 40% - 50 cl
Limited Edition No.2 Walnut Schnapps 50 cl - 40%
Akvavit Bornholm: Jule Akvavit 37,5% - 50 cl
No. 6 Blueberry & Lemon Schnapps 40% - 5 cl
No. 5 Vanilla Schnapps 40% - 50 cl
No. 3 Fig Snaps 40% - 5 cl
No. 2 Sea Buckthorn, Dill & Cucumber Schnapps 40% - 5 cl
Snaps Bornholm Snaps glass
No. 8 Chili & Honey Snaps 40% - 5 cl
No. 5 Vanilla Schnapps 40% - 5 cl
No. 7 Licorice Snaps 40% - 5 cl
Casper Sobczyk's Special Edition - Rhubarb & Star Anise 25% - 5 cl
No. 1 Chili Snaps 40% - 5 cl
Tasting box - 40% 8 x 50 cl
Limited Apricot No4 Gift Box
Sold out
Snaps Bornholm Cap - Bordeaux
Snaps Bornholm cap - Red
Sold out
Limited Chili N01
Casper Sobczyk's Special Edition - Rhubarb & Star Anise 25% - 450 cl
Snap suits
Batch Snaps
Good! Snaps! Times!
The Haps Snaps Club

Homemade schnapps - or bought?

Snaps has a very broad understanding. It is in its simplicity a spirit. Spiced spirits with whatever the producer finds exciting. There are both mass-produced versions and more homemade ones from local households, where flavours are added as desired to flavourless spirits. This could be vodka, for example. This ancient spirit has a long history in the Nordic countries. In the old days, potatoes were often used as the main ingredient in distillation. Also cereals, which are probably more used nowadays. So if you want to jump on the bandwagon, try some innovative flavours, Bornholm Spirits will be the right choice.

Danish traditions

For decades we have been known for top-class snaps. Bornholm Spirits would like to contribute to this way of thinking. Therefore we have produced a gigantic assortment of different quality spirits. There will be something for all holidays. Easter as well as Christmas. Or do you need a little sharp Sunday morning, then we are sure you can find the right one just for you. Impress guests and friends. Buy a special edition version with, for example, Rhubarb & Star Anise. Where else can you find such a wild combination? At Bornholm Spirits - your spirits retailer that focuses on Nordic quality.


Here at Bornholm Spirits we have collected a number of great cocktail recipes. But many will think twice about whether it's even possible to concoct something good with schnapps? Of course it is, follow along here and get a few quick tips for your next get-together. Danish traditions call for Danish cocktails. Try a "Dannebrog". This is a refreshing drink, using our Blueberry & Lemon snaps. Get out a large glass, fill with your chosen spirit, along with ice cubes and Ginger Beer. Cheers! Try a "Spicy Magarita" instead if you want to head south and challenge your taste buds. Here you mix our chilli schnapps, tequila, triple sec and lime. Nice, fruity and with a kick. Click hereIf you want to buy one of our fantastic Bornholm Snaps.

Snaps from Bornholm Spirits - why?

It's really hard to change your traditions. But as the years go by, and manufacturers get better and better at developing their spirtusse, the choices will increase significantly. At Bornholm Spirits, you are sure to get a satisfying product. We produce and develop our schnapps using traditional methods, but still keeping up with the changing trends in society. Therefore, you can find Christmas schnapps, Easter schnapps, and for the perhaps more daring - try a limited edition version with apricot flavour. 5000 bottles are produced, so be quick. We do this every year to satisfy our amazing customers. Strike now, find the right snaps for you inside our webshop.

The history of schnapps

The word"snaps" comes from German and it appears in the Danish language at the end of the 18th century. The earliest written sources describing the production of spirits date back to the 13th century.