A 100 year old recipe
When the slidsken was smeared with soap, the thirsty necks also got their "blødda", and hence the name sevablødda which is Bornholm and means to soak soap. The content is composed of many equal parts delicate spirit, and "Dænj ska drkkes te enj kanj saj Sevablødda ræ
A Bornholm Drama
A Bornholm Dram - over 100 years old - originally in the category " no recipe left ". Police officer Axel Niebe, Nexø, kept an eye on the whole thing in 1900, but only revealed the story in 1964: " Fuel merchant and ship-provider H.S.Munch produced " ejn soder syp", which gave its name to the refreshment breaks during the ships' haul-out on the bedding.
Stormy Bornholmer
4 cl. Sevablødda
12 cl. Ginger Beer
Pour the Sevablødda into a glass with ice cubes and top up with Ginger Beer. Squeeze a little lime into the glass. Garnish with lime.