No. 2 Sea Buckthorn, Dill & Cucumber Schnapps 40% - 50 cl

No. 2 Sea Buckthorn, Dill & Cucumber Schnapps 40% - 50 cl

Price 199,00
  • In stock, can be shipped today
  • New bottles on the way
VAT included

At Bornholm Spirits we love to experiment with flavours. Only the imagination sets the limits when we really let loose with the good Nordic herbs.

No 2 Sea Buckthorn, Dill & Cucumber combines the refreshing taste of dill with the rounded sea buckthorn and the mild cucumber in a flavour explosion that goes great with the herring table or the crayfish feast. The combination is our take on a snaps for New Nordic cooking.

Recommended for: Herring

Flavourful, fruity and rounded

Sea buckthorn is often found in areas close to the sea, and thrives enormously in calcareous soil, which is why the Nordic latitudes are the perfect habitat. And therefore also the perfect companion to a Nordic snaps from Bornholmspirits. Sea buckthorn comes in the form of shrubs and branches, which can grow up to 6 metres. A single berry contains more vitamin C than a whole orange and can therefore be said to have a high nutritional content, which contributes extra well to our sea buckthorn schnapps. However, that's not the only reason to bring this amazing product into the kitchen, sea buckthorn is full of flavour and under the right conditions can provide a beautiful and rounded experience for the drinker. That's why we here at Bornholmspirits, have experimented and developed our Sea Buckthorn Snaps, with what we believe is the right result.

Sea buckthorn schnapps for the cold table

Bornholm has many things to offer. Especially inspiration to develop products for the Nordic kitchen. And what's better than a good schnapps for the Easter table? There are often several different kinds of herring, seafood and other traditional dishes where a Sea Buckthorn schnapps would go exceptionally well. The subtle flavours from classic dill, cucumber and a rounded taste from intense and tart berries are the perfect combination. Bornholm thus delivers once again, a product we are very happy to offer you. Try it now for the cold table, or with your loved ones who want a wonderful experience.

If you would like to see other of our products and the full range on snaps, follow us right here. We make a virtue of experimenting and delivering the best tasting experiences to you. Read about Bornholm here and the many possibilities this amazing destination brings.

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Smagfuld, frugtig og afrundet

Havtorn findes ofte I området tæt på havet, og trives enormt godt i kalkholdig jord, hvorfor de nordiske breddegrader er det perfekte levested. Og derfor også den perfekte følgesvend til en Nordisk snaps fra Bornholm Spirits. Havtorn findes i form af buske og grene, som kan vokse helt op til 6 meter. Et enkelt bær indeholder mere C-vitamin end en hel appelsin og må derfor siges at have et højt næringsindhold, hvilket bidrager ekstra godt til vores havtorn snaps. Det er dog ikke den eneste grund til at bringe dette fantastiske produkt ind i køkkenet, havtorn er fuld af smag og kan under de rette forhold give en flot og afrundet oplevelse til indtageren. Derfor har vi også her hos Bornholm Spirits, eksperimenteret og udviklet vores Havtorn snaps, med hvad vi mener er det helt rigtige resultat.

Havtorn snaps til det kolde bord

Bornholm har mange ting at byde på. Især inspiration til at udvikle produkter til det nordiske køkken. Og hvad er bedre end en god snaps til påskebordet? Her findes der ofte flere forskellige slags sild, skaldyr og andre traditionelle retter, hvor en Havtorn snaps ville passe ualmindeligt godt. De subtile smage fra klassisk dild, agurk og en afrundet smag fra intense og syrlige bær er den perfekte kombination. Bornholm leverer således igen, et produkt vi er meget glade for at kunne tilbyde dig. Prøv den nu til det kolde bord, eller sammen med dine nærmeste der ønsker sig en skøn oplevelse.

Ønsker du at se andre af vores produkter og fulde sortiment på snaps, så følg med lige her. Vi sætter en dyd i at eksperimentere og levere de bedste smagsoplevelser til dig. Læs om Bornholm her og de mange muligheder denne fantastiske destination bringer med sig.
