No. 6 Blueberry & Lemon Schnapps 40% - 50 cl

No. 6 Blueberry & Lemon Schnapps 40% - 50 cl

Price 199,00
  • In stock, can be shipped today
  • New bottles on the way
VAT included

The main ingredients blueberry and lemon combine sweetness and acidity. No 6 Blueberry & Lemon has a beautiful and atypical blue-purple color, which reveals the blueberry content of this fresh and sweet schnapps. Blueberry & Lemon Schnapps is an excellent accompaniment to the large cold table as well as seafood.

Recommended for: Plaice & Eggs and shrimps.

Fresh, tart and refreshing

Lemon is a fruit from trees in the citrus genus. Originally from northern India, lemon has been cultivated in Asia and China for thousands of years. Lemon has many properties, especially for health as the fruit contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals for the body. The fruit itself is very tart. However, it is extremely fresh and full of flavor for many things. Including the lemon schnapps we offer at Bornholmspirits. As with many of our other products, we have gone into the think tank. Here we have experimented with the right flavor combination between the sweet blueberry and the tart lemon. We are certainly happy with the result, and hope it is also something for you. Read on in the next section if you want to know what, when and how to use lemon schnapps.

Lemon schnapps for the lunch table

Scandinavian traditions, in the form of cold dinner tables and a little schnapps on the side, are not going out of fashion anytime soon. That's why we at Bornholmspirits have put a lot of energy into constantly developing our products to keep up with the times. Lemon schnapps with blueberries is no exception, it goes perfectly with a round of breaded plaice or a highly coated shrimp dish. The sweetness combined with the acidity of the lemon schnapps is a true experience for the taste buds. Order this schnapps if you want to impress your guests whatever the occasion. We are proud of the product and hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

If you want to read more about the sunny rocky island of Bornholm, click here or find a lot of great cocktail recipes on this page.

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Frisk, syrlig og læskende

Citron er en frugt fra træer i citrusslægten. Oprindeligt kommer citron fra det nordlige Indien, men har både tidligt været dyrket i Asien og Kina i flere tusinde år. Citron har mange egenskaber, især for helbredet da frugten indeholder en lang række vitaminer og mineraler til kroppen. Frugten i sig selv er meget syrlig. Den er dog enorm frisk og fuld smag til mage ting. Heriblandt den citron snaps vi hos Bornholm Spirits udbyder.  Vi har som, ved mange af vores andre produkter, gået i tænketanken. Her har vi eksperimenteret mod den helt rigtige smagskombination mellem det søde blåbær og den syrlige citron Vi er i hvert fald glade for resultatet, og håber ligeledes det er noget for dig. Læs med i næste afsnit, hvis du gerne vil vide hvad, hvornår og hvordan man kan bruge citron snaps.

Citron snaps til frokostbordet

Skandinaviske traditioner, i form af kolde middagsborde og en lille skarp ved siden af går ikke af mode foreløbig. Derfor har vi hos Bornholm Spirits også lagt en masse energi i konstant at udvikle vores produkter således at de følger med tiden. Citron snaps med blåbær er ingen undtagelse, den passer perfekt til en ”rundtenom” med en paneret rødspætte eller en højt belagt reje mad. Det søde kombineret med det sure fra citron snapsen er en sand oplevelse for smagsløgene. Bestil denne snaps hvis du ønsker at imponere dine gæster uanset begivenheden. Vi er stolte af produktet, og ser ligeledes at du nyder det lige så meget som os.

Vil du gerne læse mere om den solrige klippeø Bornholm, så tryk her eller find en masse fantastiske cocktail opskrifter på denne side.
